Monday, August 31, 2009

Border Ranges

Tonight's blog is about where I live and where I don't.  Like when someone asks me what the best food and beverage combination is and I respond with duck and Pinot Noir without thinking about Anderson Valley Boont Ale and microwave popcorn at the Mercury Lounge in Goleta.  Especially after smoking a doobie.  But then again, I have never done that after smoking one but can imagine how great it would be if I had.  Especially if there were a scrawny little skater kid playing a Deerhunter record in the corner.  Preferably one of their EPs, like Flourescent Grey or Rainwater Cassette Exchange.  Cause I need just that many songs to get into it but not more than that since there is other music to be heard.  Like a half bottle - more than a glass but less than a bottle.  So weed n reebs n EPs n corn.  And I had just finished working really hard.  Much harder than I would have ever liked to.  Making me really thirsty.  And really tired.  And making that moment of relaxation unbeatable.  That would be the correct answer.

So when I see a photo of Monument Valley in Utah, I can't help but think of how incredible it would be to go there.  But then again, I realize that I live awfully damn close to a region of the world that is one of the most magical places I have ever been... the Border Ranges between NSW and QLD.  And while I have been there a few times, I sit at home and wonder about places far, far away.  This area, especially the NSW side, is incredibly unheralded.  

So the reason I bring this up is that last weekend I spent most of it at home.  And I played all the Fuckpony songs.  And their album cover has a photo of Monument Valley with a formation very similar to Mt. Lindsey.  And I had emailed out a photo of Monument Valley to my friends earlier in the week.  So that is 3 and 3 is worth a post.